Alexandra Peters, Beirut By the Bay III, 2024, Silk screen on Vinyl, 120 x 248cm

Alexandra Peters, Beirut By the Bay II, 2024, Silk screen on Vinyl, 120 x 248cm

Top: Alexandra Peters, Hepatic Study I, 2022 - 2024, Silkscreen on Vinyl, 154x88cm

Bottom: Alexandra Peters, Hepatic Study II, 2022 - 2024, Silkscreen on Vinyl, 154x88cm

Alexandra Peters, Tyre Study II (The Copy) (Accidental Copy), 2022 - 2024, Silkscreen on Vinyl, 266 x 130cm

Alexandra Peters, Tyre Study I, 2022 - 2024, Silkscreen on Vinyl, 266 x 130cm